The CDC is no longer just recommending Americans wear face coverings in public. The agency is officially calling on everybody to put on a mask to help slow the spread of coronavirus. CDC leaders wrote an editorial in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
They argued studies show universal masking could lead to the U.S. getting the outbreak under control. This comes the same day CDC Director Robert Redfield pushed for both the president and vice president to set an example and wear masks.
Dr. Redfield said he’s sad to see the topic so politicized and added, “I think if we can get everyone to wear masks right now, we can bring this under control within four, six, eight weeks.”
Meanwhile, the pharmaceutical company Moderna is reporting its potential coronavirus vaccine is promising after all 45 patientsin its human trial produced a "robust" immune response. The group given the highest dose had four times the amount of antibodies than recovered COVID-19 patients.
- The company is continuing to track how long the immune response lasts and plans to follow patients for a year after they're given the vaccination. Their report was published in the peer-reviewed “New England Journal of Medicine.”
- Where we stand with COVID-19...according to the latest numbers from Johns Hopkins, the United States has confirmed just over three-million cases across the United States – with just over 136-thousand patients succumbing to the illness. In good news?More than one-million have recovered.Globally, the numbers are just over 13-million people infected by the virus – with more than 578-thousand dead. But on the plus side, more than seven-point-three-millionhave recovered.