Big Frank

Big Frank

Big Frank is from the "Free State of McMullen County," lives in San Patricio County, and has been talking on the radio for over 25 years. He is a...Full Bio


Boring Food To Blame...

While a lot of people are probably still committed to their New Years resolution to get healthy, that likely won’t last for long, since reports have suggested people usually give up their healthy eating resolution pretty quickly. So, why can’t people stay committed? 

Well, according to a UK poll, which could easily translate here, 50% of folks give up their health commitment because they find healthy food boring, while 30% say even the thought of “boring” health food makes them give up eating well. And even if folks don’t necessarily find healthy food boring, they know it’s not as good as the unhealthy stuff. In fact, while two-thirds of those on diets say they enjoy eating healthy, 47% of them still find healthy food more boring than stuff that’s bad for them.

And while we all think this will be the year we stick to our diets, the survey finds the average diet actually lasts less than three months before folks go back to their normal eating habits. What’s worse, 30% of folks get sick of healthy eating within the first month.

So, what food is the most likely to cause someone to go off their diet? Well, chocolate or other sweets of course. In fact, 42% of people say chocolate is their healthy eating Achilles’ heel.

Top Ten Foods Most Likely To End A Diet

  1. Chocolate/sweets
  2. Chips
  3. Fish and chips
  4. Pizza
  5. Bacon
  6. Cheese
  7. Cake
  8. Cookies
  9. Curry
  10. Burger

Source: SWNS Digital

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