(SOURCE: Rockport-Fulton Chamber of Commerce)
Hurricane Harvey has not stopped Rockport-Fulton from being a thriving community. Though the process was difficult, Rockport-Fulton has made unbelievable progress after the destruction of Hurricane Harvey. One year later, the community will celebrate the resiliency of its residents through a Hurricane Harvey Anniversary Series of Events on Friday, Aug 24 through Sunday, Aug 26.
The anniversary event will begin on Friday, Aug 24 at 6 p.m. with a Harvey Grateful Fence, where everyone is encouraged to hang their items of those they are grateful for (those that helped them in the recovery process) onto the fence of the Texas Maritime Museum and the white picket fence beside Charlotte Plummers. There will be banners, ribbons and other items of remembrance on the fences. Stars of hope will be placed every 10 feet along the fences.
A Harvey Reflection Gathering begins at 7 p.m., and the public is encouraged to bring lawn chairs to the stage area of the Festival Grounds. The gathering will include: community choir, special thank you’s, and announcements of events happening over the weekend. At the gathering, a common community prayer will be read for those to reflect on throughout the weekend and at all church services. Colorful ribbons will be distributed to hang on a Live Oak tree in remembrance and appreciation of our trees. Wildflower seeds will be distributed. Everyone is encouraged to spread the wildflowers throughout Aransas County to symbolize that we are bringing life and color to our community and moving forward. A county wide moment of silence will begin at 8:03 p.m. and butterflies will be released at that time.
The event continues on Saturday, Aug 25, at 9 a.m. with the Kid’s Zone located at the Festival Grounds, and the Harvey Grateful Fence. At 10 a.m., book signings, refreshments and Harvey photography will be featured at the Woman’s Club at Rockport Harbor. A First Responders Recognition Program will begin at 10:30 a.m., which will feature Aransas County First Responders and their vehicles. At 11:30 a.m., there will be a public picnic sponsored by HEB, and everyone is encouraged to wear patriotic clothing and to bring picnic blankets. A block party hosted by the Rockport Little Theatre and the Rockport Cultural Arts District will begin at 6 p.m. North Street and Main Street will be closed. There will be music by Janelle, food trucks, beverages, vendors with Harvey art, and kid’s games. Local merchants are encouraged to stay open late. The event concludes on Sunday, Aug 26, where everyone is encouraged to attend the church or reflection area of their choice for the Common Prayer Reading and other activities.
For more information, visit http://www.aransascounty.org/harvey or contact the Long Term Recovery Hotline at (361) 790-9496.