We have one celebrity in our little town of Dripping Springs, Texas. Kyle Chandler. He’s a movie star, best known as the coach on “Friday Night Lights” and the FBI guy in “Wolf Of Wall Street”. I actually have done a few events with him and he is super nice and super normal. His oldest daughter went to school with our daughter here. He was a volunteer fireman and went out and fought a big wildfire one time here. He and his wife, Katheryn, have always helped out in our community and they are very involved in the Veteran’s events here. They were instrumental in getting a new Veterans hall built here in our little town and she and Kyle were on the “Kelly Clarkson” show yesterday talking about it. Awesome! Big moment for us here. Every time I see some nutty movie star talking about some crazy thing, I am glad there are still ones like the Chandlers to balance out the world.