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A man walked into a restaurant in Charlotte, North Carolina and ordered a meal for himself and his date. And although she was dressed nice and appeared to be ready for a mouthful, she wasn't going to be eating any food.
A waitress, who goes by the name "t_bjork" on TikTok, was stunned when she saw a man at a table seated across from a blow-up doll. She knew she had to take a video of the couple and share it on TikTok, even though she was fully prepared to lose her job over it. She said, "OK, I'm not supposed to be making TikToks at work, but this calls for it. I work at a nice restaurant in Charlotte, and I need you guys to see what just came in the door." The video went viral and she did, in fact, end up losing her job over it, but she doesn't regret it.
The server told the Charlotte Observer she expected to be fired as a result and had even been thinking about quitting anyway, but she just couldn't resist sharing the bizarre video. As for the man and his inflatable date, it turns out he was doing it as punishment for losing his fantasy football league.