Photo: mphillips007 / iStock / Getty Images
The Corpus Christi City Secretary’s Office wants to remind all residents that Early Voting for the upcoming election will begin on Monday, October 21, and continue through Friday, November 1.
Several Early Voting locations are available throughout the City. Early Voting locations and hours can be viewed at the Nueces County Website.
Information on City candidates and measures is available on the 2024 Election Central webpage.
Ballot-by-mail deadlines
- Request ballot (received by): Oct 25
- Return ballot by mail (postmarked by): Nov 5 by 7:00 p.m.
- Return ballot in person: Nov 5 by 7:00 p.m.
- For Ballot-by-mail information, visit or call the Nueces County Elections Office at 361-888-0385.
Voting days
- Early voting: October 21 thru November 1
- In-person: Tuesday, November 5