WHO: Gregory-Portland Wildcat Band Booster Club
WHAT: Valentine's Vendor event
WHEN: Saturday, February 2, 2019 from 10AM-3PM
WHERE: G-P High school Band Hall
WHY: We will have vendors from Tupperware, Paparazzi, Muertos Merch, heartfelt Creations with Mariza, homemade goods, baked goods and much much more!
The G-P Wildcat Band is a 501(c)3 Nonprofit and all funds raised go to the band. As you may recall, funding is always changing and when cuts are made, the music programs are usually hit first. The G-P Band Boosters help fund the marching show, music, buses for trips, camps and much, much more. Currently, the concession stands are in need of new, commercial grade refrigerators and freezers and this event will help us raise the funds needed to purchase those.