This may sound odd—but I’m proud of my son—he’s got some advanced nap skills! He’s a senior in high school, and may or may not be heading to college—but the boy knows how to solidly prep a room for a good nap. Brendan was at my house this weekend—and he made smart choice number one: nap on Mom’s king-sized Sleep Number bed, rather than his twin bed.
Smart choice number two: he downloaded a sleep sounds app onto his phone, for, shocker of shockers, we are a loud family...Smart choice number three I didn’t even realize until I came in here this afternoon to taa as or my nap, and was delighted at how dark the room was—smart young man closed the curtains! So many days, I’ve gotten all comfy and thought: I should draw those curtains—my sweet boy did it!! I’m proud AND thankful! Now, I’m going to nap!