Photo: Getty Images
Yeah--I could be in the Olympics--if the Olympics had a category for shopping and finding a good deal, or balancing grocery bags, or wearing most items of black clothing at the same time.
No, seriously, a survey said two in five Americans think they are fit enough to compete. The numbers are higher among men--60% or three out of five think they could make the cut.. The survey was interesting--it looked at all the sports that were added this year, like skateboarding, softball, rock climbing and karate. Most people supported the new additions. When asked what sports should come next, here were the main suggestions: MMA, lacrosse, bowling, cricket, and cheerleading. I think there should be some sport that anyone could dodge ball. My husband, Chris, has a great idea--he thinks that for each sport, there should be one spot for an average person to compete--like one slot for Joe Schmoe to go and try his hand at the 100 meter dash or skateboarding. There were those two divers from the Philippines who scored zeroes--that is kind of the equivalent. Who knows--maybe you would have some crazy Cinderella story! It would be fun--and give those 40% of Americans who think they could do it a chance to walk the talk!
Photo: Getty Images