GUILTY!!Photo: Heather White
Does that sweet face look guilty? IT IS!! That is Bigby, a mini Australian Shepherd puppy, who is three months old. He and his sister (not related but in our family), Jax, discovered the joys of Kleenex. My husband, Chris, works from home, and is frequently on lengthy conference calls. We have tried to make the house mostly puppy-proof, with a lot of doors closed purposely, and food and water out, and access to the backyard if he cannot get there right away. However, Bigby seems to get bigger every day, and more agile and braver. He can now jump up onto the couches and Chris's chair. (That's new). Jax cannot. (Bigby will grab toys and jump up on the couch and taunt her--stinker). This morning, Chris was on a call, and he came out of his office to this:
Dogs love Kleenex--part 1.Photo: Heather's husband
Boy, to dogs love the Kleenex!Photo: Heather's husband
You must know some choice words were spoken to the pups--but it is hard to even be that mad at them--they were just playing. It is like when my son was littler and made a mess in the bathroom with liquid soap. He did not mean anything bad by it--liquid soap is slippery and fun--I get it! If you find a box of Kleenex for the first time and you are a puppy, and you already LOVE tearing up paper towels--OH MY GOODNESS, you have hit the motherlode!!
Anyway, Bigby and Jax probably got a stern talking to. (I was still at the radio station--Chris just sent me the hilariously horrifying pictures!) We learned a lesson--we cannot leave the Kleenex down where the puppies can get at it. The pictures are a hoot. The puppies are certainly enthusiastic!