I got a complaint call about something I said on the air this morning. There was a fatality accident on 360 early this morning and we let listeners know so they can avoid the area. This is a pretty regular thing for our show. I reminded them that because it was a fatality, the investigation would probably be going on all day. So a lady called and said that I was being insensitive because I said it, according to her, in a way that made it sound like I was frustrated that traffic was gonna be bad and that people would be inconvenienced and this was more important than someone's death. As I tried to explain this is not at all what I meant. She didn't want to hear it and kept telling what I had done wrong. So I yelled at her. I said shut up for a second, I listened to you, now let me explain. So she got quiet. I said it was gonna take all day because being a fatality, it has to have an investigation and can take a whole day sometimes. She said I should have said it differently and continued to complain. I said that wasn't what I meant and she said it was what I meant and she just knew she was right even though she wasn't. I had finally had enough. Normally, I would say ok, thank you for calling. But this time, I was done with the thought that just because I am upset, I'm gonna complain and I don't care if I am wrong. I told her that was the stupidest complaint I have ever had and please don't ever call again and find a different show. I am mad at myself for losing my cool. It bothers me because I let this idiot get to me. I've spent the last two years just rolling my eyes listening to all these people. I guess I have finally had it with everyone wearing their feelings on their sleeve and demanding I listen to their entitled self because they didn't get something they want or "deserve " just because they simply exist. I used to care about people. And I try and actually help people. I volunteer with several charities and build affordable housing with my own money, etc. But now, the world is different. You are demanding you get something because you want it. You deserve it because someone else has it, you should too. And I'm gonna complain or throw a fit until I get it. It makes people like me think "I don't want to do anything for people anymore. It's not that I want some kind of appreciation, I just don't want you complaining you didn't get something you deserve. Regardless of whether you earned it or not. When does it stop? When will you be happy? " So when I didn't bow down to this woman, she was stunned because I wasn't intimidated by her complaint call and basically said go away, you are wrong. I don't like being mean, but you are making me not care anymore or even feel like helping anymore. And I don't think I am the only one that feels this way. I know I will continue to help people. It's just what I do. I am lucky to be in a position that I can. And I'm a all boats rise with the tide kinda person. It's just this has given me me a chance to rant a little. I feel bad I was mean to this lady and I am sorry I did. And believe me, I have said plenty of things over the years that complaints were validated and I was cool with it.... just not this time.
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