Our puppy needed a friend to keep him company, so he now has a little sister. They are treating each other like brother and sister already. On day one they were totally wrestling and rolling around fighting over the toys and treats. It is AWESOME! It reminded me of when I brought my son home to meet his older sister. She was TICKED. She looked at me like: what have you done? Kristen was two-and-a-half years older than baby Brendan when I brought him home. She would not look at me at first. It was a bit like that yesterday. Bigby had a look of incredulity on his face--he was not happy. Australian Shepherds are very smart dogs--and very sweet--they really respond to the tone of your voice. I had to make sure that I told him how he was still my good boy and all that. It was adorable. He got over being mad and then was just mad wrestling with Apple Jax. We call her Jax. She is a cutie.
The first night here was rough--it was a lot of howling by Jax. We did not get a lot of sleep. It was like having toddlers again--taking turns being tired because we are watching the "kids". They both were checked out by the vet today and got clean bills of health--and we anticipate getting some sleep tonight. {prays a little} Hopefully we will have more fun pictures to come!
JaxPhoto: Heather White