Today, my son walked across the stage with his friends in the class of 2021. Had you asked me even six years ago if that was possible, I’d have chuckled at you.
Going back to early 2007, when he first started in Austin ISD, he was non-verbal. He was diagnosed with Autism at 3. He could recite entire TV shows that he liked, but basic back and forth conversation? Nope.
He worked with speech therapists, his amazing team of teachers and aides. He began to use pictures to tell us what he wanted, and slowly turned that into language.
Special thanks to Principal John Rocha, his principal at Menchaca Elementary and at Bailey Middle School. That man was such a blessing to our family.
There were bumpy parts at younger ages with lots of meltdowns and learning curves for the whole family as we all learned how to help him communicate.
There were lots of nights where his different brain just was not sleepy, so one of his parents got to stay awake so he was safe.
I am simplifying, but it was a journey.
These four years of high school have been miraculously wonderful thanks to the team led by Rachel Nall.
He made it. We all made it. He’s amazing.
Now, it’s going to be fun to see what lies ahead for him—and for all the graduates!
Congratulations, Class of 2021!
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