Yesterday morning I was actually running late to work because when I tried to put on my foundation in the morning (guys—foundation is the makeup that you put all over your face to even out your skin tone) I put my finger over the top to shake the bottle, and when I went to shake it I lost control of the bottle and it went flying. As you can imagine the open bottle spread make up all over the bathroom. It is incredible the coverage I managed to get. Make up was on the walls, the carpet, the counter, my shoes, my jewelry box, my glasses, my vitamins, my ring box, my brush, my pants, my turtleneck, my hand, the shower stall...I will probably find things it got on for weeks to come. Before I show pictures, let me say a few things—the bathroom is the last thing on our renovation list. Don’t judge me for a carpeted floor—I don’t like it either. Eventually, I will have tile like a normal person--but for now, after this debacle, I am happy it had not yet been redone!
Mornings with Bama Brown on 98.1 KVET. Austin's Original Country.Full Bio