The Metropolis Elemetary School in Metropolis, Illinois, wanted to reward good character and good behavior. So, the 4th grade had their very own lemonade stand. Throughout the school year, when kids were 'caught' doing good things, they would be awarded a "Caught with Character" card. All those kids wheo got the cards were entered into a drawing to win a bike. In the meantime, the 4th graders partnered up with the local police department for their "Pedaling with Police in Character"! The 4th graders set up a lemonade stand and raised more than $1000! The proceeds from the lemonade stand went to buy 12 bicycles, 12 helmets, and 12 locks for the student raffle. 12 great kids won bikes, paid for by money raised by their peers, to reward good behavior! SO GREAT!!
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