Fernando Barboza is a postal carrier, and has been for quite a few years. He always carries dog treats with him to make friends with the dogs on his route. Gretchen was a German shepherd who loved Fernando--and would look forward to seeing him every day. Gretchen was an elderly dog and passed away in early April. The family was very sad about their loss. When they next saw Fernando, they handed him a bag of dog treats with a note attached. The note said: "Gretchen passed away yesterday. She asked that you take the treats she never got to finish and share them with other dogs on your route. She always enjoyed seeing you come to the door and was always happy to get a snack from you."
Fernando was very touched by the gesture, and shared it with his daughter, who shared it on Twitter. So many people have reached out to Gretchen's family--they say it is helping them with their loss. Fernando says he always carried dog treats with him so he would make friends with the dogs on his route. Read more here: The Dodo