This is a story shared with us by Kathleen about her son:
"I would like to share a love story for C'mon Get Happy: When my son was 2 months old, I took him to a home daycare so we could meet the lady. When we arrived, she was holding a beautiful baby girl. Her name was Star and I got to hold her briefly while her mom got to hold my son, Andrew.
I never went back to work so we did not go back over there. About a year and a half later, the woman called me and asked if I could babysit her kids, one of them was named Star. I immediately remembered her, but we were moving in two weeks so I couldn't keep her kids.
We moved to Baytown but eventually ended up living in Canyon Lake. When Andrew began dating a girl during his sophomore year named Star. I knew I had heard the name before, and it finally dawned on me that she was the baby girl I held all those years ago. Well, Andrew and Star are now engaged and will be getting married this month!"