A Minnesotan won Super Bowl tickets in a raffle this year. But he's a huge Vikings fan, and didn't want to go after they lost to the Eagles. He says it would just be too painful. So...
He recently read a story about a 13-year-old kid from New Jersey named Cole Fitzgerald, who's been fighting cancer since he was three. And he's a huge Eagles fan. So instead of selling the tickets for a few thousand bucks, the guy got in touch with a charity called Spare Key. Spare Key is an organization that helps families in crisis with ill children.
Then someone flew out last weekend, and surprised Cole with the tickets. The guy who gave them to him asked to remain anonymous. He says he's just glad someone who wants to see the Eagles play in the Super Bowl will get to be there. It's not clear who Cole's taking with him, but his family won't even have to pay for him to get to Minneapolis for the game. Delta is donating the plane tickets. And the hotel chain Country Inn & Suites is putting him up in a room.