There's a 17-year-old girl named Trina Burnett in Sandy, Utah, and she's autistic. She dressed up as Sally from 'Nightmare Before Christmas" and went trick-or-treating with her siblings, but according to her dad, several people yelled at her for being too old and slammed the door on her. And yes, while 17 would normally be too old to trick-or-treat, this was a different situation. So Trina ran home crying. One of Trina's sisters posted about what happened on Facebook, and the community decided to try to make things right. A woman who has a cousin with special needs saw the story, and decided she had to do something for the family. She posted in community Facebook groups to try to get people to keep their Halloween decorations up. She also suggested a trunk-or-treat in the parking lot at the local junior high school around the corner from her house. More cars than she expected showed up. This time, it went way better for her. With a bag full of candy and even an appearance by the Chick-fil-a cow, Trina made sure to thank everyone and give them a hug. She said, quote, "It feels very heartwarming to see that people care so much."