94 year old Jesus Garza of Corpus Christi has been an Astros fan since the team's inception in 1962. He has always dreamed of seeing them play in the World Series. His family wanted to make it happen--but tickets were very expensive. They set up a GoFundMe page to make his dream a reality.
Mr. Garza's story got a lot of attention with the local news--and Ben Soltero de Martin, a former resident of Corpus heard about it. He now lives in Pennsylvania. He had to tickets to Game 3 Friday, and he could not travel to Houston for the game. So, instead of selling the tickets on the secondary market, he went to the GoFundMe page and got hold of Jesus Garza's family. He got Mr. Garza on the phone and said: "Mr. Garza, I heard you were a big Astros fan. I have two tickets I want to give you for Friday’s game. I want you to go to Houston on Friday and make sure they win, OK?"
Garza was totally shocked and thrilled, and ended up getting to sit on the first base side for the game!! A total stranger made his dreams come true!! He said the only thing left is to hopefully get to meet the man, to say thank you. The Astros won Friday's game, 5-3!