Roberta Ursrey was at a beach with her family in Panama City, Florida on Saturday. And her 8- and 11-year-old sons were too far out in the water. It turned out there was a really strong riptide. So her whole family swam out to get them. Which just made things worse, because now all nine of them were stuck out there, and the current kept pulling them under. Roberta says she thought she was about to lose her entire family and her own life. Then in the middle of it, her mom started having a massive heart attack WHILE she was stuck out in the water. But luckily, a woman on the beach named Jessica Simmons realized what was happening, and started swimming out on a boogie board. And meanwhile, her husband stayed back and got everyone on the beach to form a human chain. Here is what is incredible, and restores your faith in humanity--about eighty people, who did not even know each other, or the family they were rescuing--LINKED ARMS and rescued the entire family!! They got Roberta's mom to a hospital, and she's recovering. And her nephew broke his hand. But no one else was seriously hurt. Jessica said afterward that watching all those people work together was one of the most remarkable things she's ever seen.
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