"The Hunger Games" series was a favorite of 12-year-old Megan Gething. When her friend slipped and cut her leg open, leaving a 10" long, 3" wide gash, Megan knew what to do because of a scene from the Hunger Games. She immediately started to make a tourniquet using one of her other friend's shorts. She held the shorts tightly around her friend's bleeding leg, and sent another friend to go get help.
A friend's father and brother came back to get the girls from the marshy area where they were playing, and they carried the injured girl to meet an ambulance and EMTs.
Mackenzie, the injured girl, underwent surgery and is expected to make a full recovery. EMTs said things could have been much worse if she had continued to lose blood – and it was all thanks to Megan’s quick-thinking. The Hunger Games--entertaining AND life-saving!!
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