A senior in high school out in California turned down several dates for his senior prom in order to take one very special lady -- his grandma. Michael Ganczewski decided to take Josephine to prom after learning she didn't get to go to hers because her family didn't have the money. At first, Josephine said no to her grandson's request. She said, I'm an old lady---no way! Get over it! But Ganczewski wouldn't take no for an answer. He says the decision to invite his grandma was easy and she shouldn't be deprived of knowing what the special night is like. He said, “She is the most important woman in my life . If it wasn’t for her my mom wouldn’t be here and she wouldn’t have had me. And I love her and I’d do anything for her.”
Josephine said she was surprised how prom is done nowadays. Ganczewski says many of the kids in his class know about his plan and have been very supportive. He had to get special permission from the school and the principal to bring his grandma as his date. The usual age cut off is 20. Josephine says she was a little nervous about one thing: “Well, I don’t know any new dances but I plan to my best.” Prom was this past weekend, and Grandma drove. Not only did she have a great time, but she was named Prom Queen!!!