These Texas Neighbors Have Some Surprising Halloween Decorations

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People are getting super creative with their Halloween decorations this year, incorporating all kinds of things from classic orange and black decor to pop culture-related themes.

One neighborhood in North Texas has some quite surprising Halloween decorations, Fox 4 News reported. The neighbors, who live in Aubrey on Gulch Drive, suspended a witch above the road with a wire connected to each house.

The two houses are located across the street from one another, creating the perfect setup for the flying witchy decor. When neighbors turn down the road, it looks like the witch is flying just above the street.

According to those who live in the neighborhood, the decoration is particularly scary at night when the wind is blowing. The witch is also super realistic, complete with a hat, broom, pointy shoes, and a cloak.

Check out the flying witch decoration below:

What would you do if you saw the realistic witch flying above your car at night?

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