Bama's Blog: They say it is pretty close to the actual story.

I watched a Liam Neison movie last night. Called Black Light..but does it really matter what the name is? The guy does that same movie every few months. But, I still watch them. Anyway, there was a scene where they are in some New York museum and there are classic cars in it. Including a Tucker. If you have never seen one, you need to look it up. Great story behind it. You can rent the movie also. Pretty good movie. I got to see, up close, 2 of the 51 that exist. One of them was # 51…the last one. When the owner died, a doctor who I knew, it sold for 3 million dollars. All are accounted for. 1948 was the year but this car was so ahead of it’s time. I won’t give away the story in case you want to watch the movie.

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