Bama's Blog: Ya live and ya learn

I saw an ad on marketplace for a 56 For 4 door. A 500 they call it. Priced at $1800. It had the 272 Y block and was a complete “running”car. Pretty clean overall but really a “might as well car”. Now if you have never heard of a “might as well car”, what that is, it’s a car or truck that you buy for a really low price. You see it through some kind of distorted vision that first, you are smarter than everyone else who can’t see or didn’t find the incredible bargain you did. You get excited and start working on it. Then, you start taking it apart and replacing parts. And that’s when you say “Well, since I got this off, I might as well replace that” and that is how you end up with a 1000 dollar car in 1000 pieces and a project you will either never finish or you will have 30 grand in a really nice 15 grand car. I’ve done this maybe three times. Live and learn…but I never seem to learn the learn part.

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