New puppy parents are as obnoxious as parents of new babies and I am 100% guilty! We have recently gotten two mini Australian Shepherds who are ADORABLE! Chris and I are in love with them. Bigby is the black and white (and brown) boy, and (Apple) Jax is the redder girl. They are three months and two and a half months old. Bigby is a house-trained, backdoor bell ringing rockstar. Jax is not nearly as well trained. We are working on that! The two dogs are hilarious--they both just run and run and run and wrestle all day and then flop on the ground dead asleep.
(Oh, wait, I already sound like a parent of a toddler--look! She walks, she has eaten her first cookie! Whatever...) Anyway--I am guilty. I find that pretty much every time I am asked "How are you?" My answer usually involves something having to do with dog house training and what thing they have learned to do. I am certain that the answers make most people I know and love roll their eyes. My mom is so great--she asks about her 'granddogs'.
She is a good sport. I remember back before I had kids--she would bug me about getting married and having children. and would patiently listen to me go on and on about Abby Blabby and Pepper, my cocker spaniels. Once I had kids--she was thrilled--she got to listen to stuff she was actually interested in! Now, we are back to her having to listen to all dog talk all the time!
Have I told you about Jax not having an accident in the house today?? Hahaha. I will spare you. :D
Bigby and Jax