Puppy enthusiasm can be dangerous! Bigby, the older, taller puppy drew first blood yesterday. He greets you the way any person would want to be greeted--like you are a conquering hero! Like that poster says--'I want to be the person my dog thinks I am' is legit. Bigby and Jax, being excited puppies jump for joy when I get home, which is delightful. I bend down to greet them, pet them, love on them, reinterate Jax's name (she is still learning it) and generally bask in their puppy love. Puppies also have teeth like tiny little knives. Bigby jumped up right as I bent down, with that cutie face and took a bite out of my chin and drew blood. Jax, when I picked her up, licked the blood off, so they are working well together as a team. So there's that.
Last night was night three with two pups sleeping in crates in our bedroom. It was better than the first two nights, that's for sure. Do you think God minds if I pray for them to sleep? (It is not like I am praying for winning lottery numbers--there were certainly times I would pray for my children to sleep!) We are crate training them for nighttime and for when we are out of the house. We had an easy time house training Bigby, but Jax has been a bit tougher. Again, she has only been with us since Monday, so I guess I have a skewed perspective. As with most things, it reminds me of my kids. My firstborn, Kristen, was a late walker--she did not walk until she was almost 3. She would scoot places on her butt ("Have you tried putting her toys up high?" was said to me about 100,000 times--yes, I have tried that and PT and everything. It wasn't that she couldn't walk it was that she wouldn't walk!) Then, when Brendan came along and was walking at 10 months, I was kind of freaking out--like, is this normal? Of course, she talked at 10 months or so--and he didn't really until after three. So, same with the puppies--they will each learn things at different rates--and hopefully not all bite me in the face. :D
Both Bigby and Jax
Worn out Bigby