Congratulations Class of 2021 Seniors! You Did It!

The Class of 2021 are donning their caps and gowns over the next week or so—high school has come to an end. All of us parents are looking at these young men and women, wondering where the time went. My wonderful son, born exactly six months from Christmas spent five days in the NICU, even though he was full-term, at almost ten pounds. The doctors there, accustomed to babies who were often quite premature and tiny used to refer to him as “the toddler”. Spoiler: he’s okay, about to turn 18 and graduate at 6’5” tall.
I look at that face, as all of us moms do, and still see the baby who grabbed my fingers. The hilarious faces he made as a toddler and the naked summer when he was five.
As parents, it’s incredible the ups and downs we have faced with our kids—there were probably hardships we thought would break us. We made it to the other side, and incredibly, we barely remember those things, right?

Now, it’s all about the forward momentum. We look at them and think of all they have ahead of them. Yes, there will be challenges, but there will be adventure, and new friends, and joy!
To the Class of 2021–go out there and try things! Life is filled with joy and adventure. Go get it!

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