Thomas Rhett Warns Daughter's Future Dates...

Thomas Rhett’s daughters, Ada James and Willa Gray, are way too young to date, but he’s already got a message for any man who wants to in the future, and he’s now singing about it. During Thomas’ concert in Pelham, Alabama this weekend he debuted a new song on that very subject, calling it “To The Guys That Date My Girls.” 

“Out here on the road, all we do is just write songs all day and play shows at night," Rhett shared with the crowd. "And there's a lot of songs that we write that never make album, songs you'll never hear. So, I think I'm just gonna start playing you brand new songs if that's okay with you. I'm pretty excited about it.” 

If you’re looking to hear Thomas possibly debut more new songs you’ll have plenty of chances. His “Very Hot Summer Tour” hits Sioux Falls, South Dakota on September 5th with the tour running through October 12thin Nashville, Tennessee. Check out dates here


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