C'mon Get Happy: Home Depot Employees Build Walker for 2yo Boy--No Charge!

Some children suffer from hypotonia, which is a medical condition where muscle tone is dangerously low--and walking and balance become much more difficult. Christian and Justin Moore's two year old son, Logan, was suffering from hypotonia--and in what is often a circumstance--insurance would not cover a walker for Logan. So, Mom went to YouTube to find a video on how to build a walker for their son. They got their list of materials together and went to their local Home Depot. Mom asked an employee she knew for help gathering all the materials. The Home Depot manager told the family to go get ice cream and come back in an hour.

When the family returned, the employees at the Home Depot had built the walker for Logan, and even put his name on it. The photos of Logan walking with assistance made everyone emotional! Thanks, Home Depot!

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