A mother of four named Becca Bundy lives in northeast Minnesota. And two years ago, her one-year-old daughter had a seizure.
The first person to show up was a volunteer firefighter named Bill Cox. And she could tell it wasn't just another call for him. He really cared.
Thankfully, her daughter Hadley was okay. She's three now and doing great. But it turned out 66-year-old Bill was dealing with his OWN health issues.
Back in October, Becca ran into him again at a fundraiser where he happened to be the bartender. And the t-shirt he had on caught her attention. It said, "My name is Bill. [And] I'm in end stage KIDNEY FAILURE."
It turns out he was born with only one kidney, and he'd been having issues with it for a while. He needed a new one, or he'd have to go on dialysis and might not make it.
So to thank him for helping HER family, Becca got tested and found out they were a match. The transplant happened in February . . . and they're both doing great.
Their families have become pretty close because of it. Bill and his wife don't have grandkids. But now their fridge is covered in artwork from Becca's kids. And they're all planning a mini-vacation together this summer.