C'mon Get Happy: Son Is Off the Hook for Mother's Day Gifts--Find Out Why!

Back in 1991, Gwen Finlayson was diagnosed with an auto-immune disorder where her body attacked her liver cells. Doctors told her she needed a transplant, and got onto the transplant list. There were no matches. Gwen was told she only had a few years until she'd need the transplant. She managed to stretch that out to TWO DECADES. Her son, Brandon, found out he was a match, and offered part of his liver to her. Being his mom, she refused, reminding him that he was a father of five!

Brandon offered again, and the doctors figured a way they could do the transplant where Brandon's liver would regenerate to about 90% of what he had prior to the operation...so Gwen reluctantly agreed.

The transplant happened, and Gwen's body is responding great, and Brandon is also doing well. He gave her the gift of many more years of life. Because of that--Brandon says he is probably off the hook for Mother's Day gifts for the next few years!

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