C'mon Get Happy: After 50+ Years Apart, Couple Marries

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A 72-year-old woman named Barbara Cotton recently got on the website Classmates.com, and found an ex-boyfriend named Curtis Brewer.

They dated all through high school, went to two different proms together . . . but had to split up when he went off to college. 

She says they technically never broke up.  They just lost touch for over 50 years, and lived in different states.  But when she sent him a message online, he responded immediately.  And it turned out they were both single.
So they started talking again.  Then in August, Curtis couldn't take being away from her anymore and PROPOSED over the phone.

 They got married in Milwaukee this past Saturday, more than 50 years after they originally dated.

 She says no one else she's been with ever loved her as much as Curtis did back then.  And it's never changed.  She's always loved him, and he's always loved her.

For their honeymoon, they're planning to travel the country in an RV.  And someone set up a fundraiser to help pay for it.  If you want to help, just search for "Barb and Curtis RV Fund" on GoFundMe.com. 

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